

To our knowledge, all of our user profiles have been created by real people. We do not create bots, fake profiles, or inauthentic users. The website may contain scam profiles created by third parties without our consent. These scam profiles are in no way affiliated with us. We actively monitor the site for spam, bots, fake profiles, and inauthentic users, and takedown any such content and/or profiles we identify. All content is reviewed before publication. If you believe you have encountered any such content and/or profiles, please contact us.


At the time of registration for our services, we ask all of our users if they would like to to sign up for our Icebreaker News and Icebreaker Actions services (the “Icebreaker Services” or “Services”). Through these Services, we send Icebreaker messages, view profiles, send friend requests and send gifts (“Icebreaker Actions” or “Actions”) on behalf of and in the name of such consenting registered users. The Icebreaker Actions aim to introduce users to each other, facilitate and support conversation between users, encourage users to respond to each other's content, introduce new users to our most active community members, and generally promote the use of our service. 

Icebreaker Actions are identified by the Icebreaker Sign . Icebreaker Actions may be triggered automatically or customized by us on an Action-by-Action basis. We do not engage in Icebreaker Actions on behalf of any users who have canceled their membership, canceled their account, or have not logged into their account at any time during the preceding four (4) full calendar months. You can unsubscribe from the Icebreaker Services by contacting us. If you unsubscribe from the Icebreaker Services, you will no longer receive Icebreaker Actions and Icebreaker Actions will no longer be sent on behalf and in your name. 

Icebreaker Actions are sent on your behalf to registered users who match one (1) or more of your preferences. If a registered user matches the preferences of a large number of other users, they will only receive a limited number of Icebreaker Actions, all in our sole discretion. Please Note: Users who send you Icebreaker Actions may not respond to you for various reasons, including without limitation, the user is not interested in responding or the user may not be actively checking his/her account.

You have no right to decide what specific Icebreaker Actions we take on your behalf or to whom such Icebreaker Actions be directed. We have the right to not take any Icebreaker Actions on your behalf. We make no representations as to the minimum or maximum number of Icebreaker Actions that will be taken on your behalf.

You understand and agree that there is no guarantee that you will find an activity partner, or that you will meet any of our users in person.’S SERVICES ARE OFFERED FOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.